At Lithoespaço we are committed to providing users who visit our website with greater security and privacy. In this regard, we present the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy where users will be able to find information and specifications on how Lithoespaço complies with and applies the current legislation.
This website belongs to Lithoespaço – Administração de Condomínios e Multiserviços, Lda., sociedade comercial por quotas with headquarters in Rua das Galés 3 A, 1990-612 Lisboa.
These Terms of Use and Privacy Policy apply to users of our website.
By using our website, filling in our forms and providing your data, directly or indirectly, implies knowing and accepting the conditions of these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. By making your personal data available, you are authorizing the collection, treatment, use and disclosure of these data in accordance with the rules defined here and under the applicable current legislation.
The user agrees with using this website without performing any act that may be considered illegal and that may affect the rights of Lithoespaço or third parties.
The user expressly undertakes not to perform any of the following acts:
– Destroy, alter, render useless or otherwise cause damage to the data, programs or electronic documents of Lithoespaço or third parties included in this website. The practice of these acts may constitute a crime of harm, as described and punished by articles 212 and following of the Penal Code;
– Prevent or obstruct access by other users to Lithoespaço ‘s website through the excessive use of computer resources that cause damage, interrupt or cause errors or distortions in access to the website;
– Sending excessive e-mails for commercial or advertising purposes without the consent of the recipient;
– Read, delete, copy or change other users’ emails or try to do any of these acts. The practice of these acts may constitute the crime of violation of telecommunications, provided for and punished by article 194 of the Penal Code;
– Use the website to try to access restricted areas of Lithoespaço’s computer systems or third parties;
– Try to increase the privileges of a user in the system;
– Introduce programs, viruses, macros, applets, ActiveX controls or any other logical device or sequence of characters that cause or may cause any change in this website or in Lithoespaço computer systems or third parties.
Lithoespaço reserves the right to deny access to its website, in whole or in part, by any user that does not comply with the previously established, at any time and without the need for any grounds or prior notice.
Lithoespaço is the sole owner of all rights to the information, tools and other contents of its website, as well as the graphics and the codes therein, except when it is expressly stated that another entity is the holder of such rights.
Lithoespaço does not grant any license or authorization for use in relation to intellectual property rights or any other right related to its website.
The user acknowledges that the use, reproduction, copying, total or partial distribution, alteration or commercialization of the contents, for whatever purpose, and regardless of the channel used, without the prior and express consent of Lithoespaço, is absolutely prohibited and violates the rights of Lithoespaço or its owner identified as such on the website.
You acknowledge that the information you may access through the website may be protected by intellectual, industrial or other proprietary rights. Lithoespaço is not liable, in any case, for any infractions to those rights that are committed by the user.
All trademarks, brands or any other distinctive trade mark contained on the Lithoespaço website are legally protected.
4.1 For the operation of the lithoespaço website
Lithoespaço is not responsible for any interference, failure, interruption, computer virus, errors, telephone malfunctions or connection failures that occur in the operation of the electronic system, for reasons beyond Lithoespaço, nor shall it be liable for damages, direct or indirect, hence arising. Lithoespaço will also not be responsible for delays or blockages in the use of the electronic system derived from defects or overloads in telephone lines or on the Internet, nor for the damages, direct or indirect, resulting therefrom.
Lithoespaço will also not be liable for damages caused by third parties through illegal intrusion into the system and that are beyond the control of Lithoespaço.
4.2 Services or content included on the website
Lithoespaço does not guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information of its website, being warned that it may be incomplete, may contain errors, inaccuracies or be outdated. The user and any interested party must verify the information obtained through the Lithoespaço website by contacting the company before taking any action following its contents. The information contained in this website is completely free of charge to its users and mere access to it does not create any commercial or professional relationship between users and Lithoespaço.
Lithoespaço may freely make, at any time and without previous notice, changes in the information contained in its website. Lithoespaço does not undertake any type of commitment, but acts in good faith to update the information contained in its website.
Lithoespaço is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage or loss derived from the use of the information contained in its website.
4.3 Third party services or content
The links and hypertexts contained in this website that allow the user to access services provided and provided by third parties, do not belong to, nor are under the control of Lithoespaço. Thus, Lithoespaço is not responsible for the information contained therein, nor for any contractual relationship that may arise. Lithoespaço shall not be liable for any damages or losses that may result from the services provided or provided by third parties through its website.
4.4 Disputes
In order to settle any question or dispute that may arise from the use of this website or the contractual relationship that may be established between the user and Lithoespaço or between the user and a third party through this website will be responsible the region of Cascais, with express waiver of any other.
Personal data is any information, of any nature and regardless of its support, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject).
Any identifiable person is directly or indirectly, identified by reference to a name, identification number, location data, identifiers by electronic means or one or more specific elements of his or her physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social.
In addition to the duly specified cases, which may arise from navigation on this website, and always subject to previous voluntary action by the data subject, the following personal data may be processed: e-mail address, name, contact address and telephone number.
The processing of personal data consists of an operation or a set of operations carried out on personal data or personal data sets, by automated means, or not, namely collection, registration, organization, structuring, preservation, adaptation, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure, dissemination, comparison, interconnection, limitation, erasure or destruction.
To this end, Lithoespaço shall adopt appropriate technical and organizational security measures in order to protect the personal data of its users and customers against its illicit treatment, in particular its dissemination, loss, misuse, alteration, treatment or authorized access.
Lithoespaço ensures that data provided by users and customers are processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and other applicable national legislation.
Lithoespaço uses the personal data of its users and clients to guarantee a targeted offering, carrying out marketing actions and using client segmentation techniques.
Identification of data controller:
Nome: Nuno Carvalho Dias
Sede: Rua das Galés 3 A em Lisboa
NIPC: 503876518
Telefone: (+351) 218 936 070
2.1 Anonymous browsing on the website
In the case of anonymous browsing, Lithoespaço only obtains and retains the following data about users:
– The domain number of the server that gives access to the network;
– The day and time of access to the website. These data allow to check the hours of greater affluence to the website and to make the necessary adjustments to avoid problems of saturation in hours of great affluence;
– The daily number of users of each area of the website and its route.
All these data protect the anonymity of the user, do not constitute personal data and, in case something, may be likely to lead to the identification of a particular user.
2.2 Navigation with cookies
Lithoespaço’s website uses cookies. Cookies are small data files with relevant information that the access device (computer, mobile phone / smartphone or tablet) carries, through the browser, when the website is visited by the user, and that allow to know , in addition to the data already mentioned in point a. Anonymous browsing on the website, information about:
– The day and time of the last time the user visited the website;
– demographic and interest elements;
– Security elements in controlling access to restricted areas.
Cookies enable you to improve the performance and browsing experience of your users by increasing response efficiency and eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information.
The cookies retain only information related to the preferences of the user who can, at any time and through their browser, decide to be notified about the reception of cookies, as well as to block their entry into the system. All browsers allow the user to accept, reject or delete cookies, in particular by selecting the appropriate settings in their browser. You can configure Cookies in the “options” or “preferences” menu of your browser.
The cookies retain only information related to your preferences, not including, as such, your personal data.
Lithoespaço uses analytical cookies – used only for the purpose of statistical creation and analysis, without ever collecting personal information – and permanent cookies – used to direct navigation according to the interests of the user -, allowing Lithoespaço to provide a more personalized service. Lithoespaço retains the data collected for the period of 38 months, after which time the data are eliminated.
The identification of the user is complete since he / she voluntarily enters his / her data in the form provided.
In this case, the form in which the data is entered contains an authorization clause whose acceptance means that the user gives his or her full consent to the processing of the data provided.
The user finds the purpose of using his / her data in the respective consent clause, namely the identity of the controller, the recipients or categories of recipients of the data and the mandatory or optional nature of the response, as well as the possible consequences if you do not respond.
Lithoespaço guarantees to all the users the exercise of their rights, in the terms foreseen in the applicable legislation, namely:
Right of access, that is, to access the information that Lithoespaço maintains about the user and the purpose of the data processing;
Right of rectification consisting in rectifying their personal data that is inaccurate or incomplete;
Right of deletion, that is, the user may require the deletion of their personal data;
Right to object to the processing of your personal data;
The right to portability consisting in the possibility of transmitting your personal data to another entity;
Right to complain to the National Commission for the Protection of Personal Data (, if it considers that any of the rights listed above is being violated and considers that the processing of its personal data violates Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and other legislation applicable national law.
By accepting this Privacy Policy, you give your informed consent, express, free and unambiguous so that the personal data provided through the Lithoespaço website is subject to data processing, in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Any changes requested by the user do not, however, invalidate the treatment made up to that date based on the prior consent given.
In order to exercise their rights, including accessing their data or requesting their rectification, deletion or objection under the law, users may at any time request in writing, through any including, in any case, a copy of a document proving his identity and specifying the right or rights they wish to exercise:
Address, by registered letter: Rua das Galés, 3A, Galerias Rio Plaza, Parque das Nações, 1990-612 Lisboa
Lithoespaço reserves the right at any time to make changes or updates to these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. We suggest you check our website regularly to be aware of any changes.
We appreciate your time.